Throw the stone into a lake
And see the ripples flow...
Each ripple captures a memory
A point in time you know.
An act each day, good or bad,
The memory lingers on.
Recording for prosperity,
Your impact on everyone.

Music breaks a barrier...
No hostility, dancing to a drum.
Singing, adds a melody,
That soothes the mood along,
Allowing everyone to meet.
To join in, to belong...

Throw the stone into a lake...
To an inappropriate moment in life
A mistake, an act of indiscretion...
To face the realities of life!
Amplifies the fears and trust
Shatters an audience's impression.
A life that is so orchestrated
Mistakes cannot be considered.
Perhaps the innocence within...
Of untold events...
Can distort the realities,
And repeat the same events...

Set the ripples upon the lake...
To highlight the childhood man!
Misunderstood by the world today,
Now it's too late, he's gone!
Throw a stone into the lake...
And see the ripples flow
What memories will be remembered?
In our time we may not know.
Remember the bad, remember the good
What truth's do we... hold?
We all add to history, the reflection,
Our labour's foretold.

Life cut short, unexpectedly!
We reflect upon a soul...
We feel the sorrow to lose a friend,
We all have grown to know.
Deep down we all remember...
A friend within their prime;
And whilst they are remembered ...
They are the immortalized.
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Author: Nigel Wilcox - 27.06.09
One Day In Your Life
Chapter Three
Artwork reworked by NGW