See the fair maiden
And greet with a bow.
How doth you see me now?
In darkness or light?
Your Court see's, I hold your
Out stretched hand...
Not, with contempt or tight!
Our eyes meet and our stares linger,
Do I declare, she has taken notice of my subtle advances?
A pause, to savour for this moment in time...
Oh, how thoughts rush through my mind!
Not forgetting etiquette, a kiss upon her soft hand,
I arise from this sodden ground
And speak in favour and greet!
How tedious this may sound
To me, this is a beginning, a relationship abound!

How doth you see me now?
A fumbling fool, or a gent, I'm sure,
A gallant knight and a sword to hand!
Or, a lover, forgive me do, I sound bland.
Knave! Listen, there is more to tell!

I walked with ease and we danced so well!
And she did tell, her attraction to me...
Knave! Let me show you, give me your hands,
This was so romantic, nay! nay!
I talk of the fair maiden, not you!

However, it was not to last...
I stated my ignorance and proud as I was tall!
Yet, my words were no comfort at the ball.
Her husband, yes! You hear well!
And as you know, the maiden did tell.
A yarn, that would make even you blush!
She was wed and declared we had been seen much!

Casanova! He declared! And slapped me a glove.
And declared full retribution of his love.
In jest, I laughed and the court were a gassed!
My thoughts and actions are at, alas...
You smile knave! And humour well!
The valiant! Will win the maidens hand.
And her husband's shackles a worthy spoil...
Yes! Knave you laugh seems, is out of hand!

At... daybreak a duel and one will pass.
To save grace, my ignorance is true.
And one will pass the pearly gates...
Knave! To challenge, I chose you!.....

Author: Nigel Wilcox - 08.06.09
      Call To Arms
  The Duel
         Part 1
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Three
Artwork reworked by NGW