I look at the farms and fisheries...
Remembering when I was a boy.
The politicians then were dictating and looking coy.
I look at the coalminers and shipbuilders
Hardships and the price they had to pay...
Upset and the turmoil of families
On the breadline, even today!

Generations of compatriots fought wars,
There was a fight for a need...
A freedom of a country; a faith, and identity.
To agree with the world a partnership until it's threatened end
Then we would all come together and fight for our sovereign and friends...

The politicians smile as they tell us, its progress!
As they take with their other hand...
Fighting their countryman, seeing poverty, all for the better hand...

I look at the car industries, the potteries...
And how they have turned to rust or dust.
Like many other industries, they have all gone bust!
A country I was born in and its' very sad to say,
Does not belong to me anymore, each day is now dead to me...

I look at the NHS...
Queues for at least a day.
The politicians smile and demand, more tax to pay!
I look at the immigration and my religion is in decay...
Vacant jobs are taken, by people not caring or wishing to steal their stay.

I look at education, our powers as parents have gone,
Political correctness, politicians, and the other delusional ones...
Teachers strive cautiously, the violent educational corridors.
The ticking 'time-bomb'... full prisons!
The manners and morals of the young are going, going gone.

I look at our transportation; our roads are in disrepair...
Brussels are in charge now, in control of a domestic 'affair'...
Politician's demand more tax to pay and they are not in control!
What is the good for one country is not always, so...
The law has affected our compatriots and costs this country, dear...

The politicians smile, and demand more tax to pay!
I look at the pensions, for my old age?
I look in greater dismay.
I am told by the politician's to privately, invest!
Within the banks, I save every penny, paying excessive service rents.
Without a say, the politicians will only say; "You bail out the banks today"!

The politician's smile and demand more tax to pay!
I look at the politicians' expense receipts...
Look with more dismay!
They 'feather their nests', say sorry and continue with their day!
In double speak, justify the years of squander through oblivion,
If only they listened to their compatriots...
Be guided in what they do.

I look at the politician, in trust in what they say...
To help me live, to make decisions, to support my family.
I look at the politician, to take care of where I live!
To make it prosper; and to give it, its identity.
The Politician, only to see their greed and lust...destroy our hopes!
United Kingdom, bust!

So politician's take this heed,
Compatriots will fight and bleed
For this very land our father's fought
For our freedom, not bought!

Compatriots! We have our say; our country needs us in every way!
This land is in our hearts our thoughts!
We need to be proud, stand tall with swords...
We are the English of England!
Our England
Author: Nigel G Wilcox - 26.05.09
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Three
Artwork reworked by NGW