A spider's web to the nearest destination,
Gridlock freezes expressions of frustration...
The maps are looked at with the concentration.
The spider's web turns in the clockwise direction...
Movement advances at a snails pace.
Anxieties erupt into expressive action of anger; haste.
Only to move a short distance,
An embarrassed, hollow statement; what grace...?
The silence of ones thoughts,
A comfortable time.
Looking out of a window of frozen time...
Over a hill the wood for the trees.
Treading carefully not to break the web, routine...
A machine of direction in one's head
For what? A pay cheque at a specific date?
And then, to start the process over again - it's late...
The web, strength of steel, a hub or the surreal...
The spider, central to the vision,
Awaiting the care and to divide the division.
Breaking the mind-set, breaking the web
The steel bars bend and will eventually break.
A beauty of the spider's web...
Recreated as our laws dictate - the mind-set changes
A metaphor, a spider's web is now a spider’s web...
Glistening in a field of morning dew

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 30/08/05
The Spiders Web
Chapter Three
© Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Artwork reworked by NGW