Unearthed by the sea of time, the long journey.
What shall I be on this special day?
As if only I could say;
The dark, the light and noises, those sounds;
There is uncertainty to those bounds.
Soothing voices and pressure, an energy,
A beat, so comfortable, my thoughts.
Today there must be something more,
The last nine months, there can't be more...
The pressure, the force a breakout those walls,
To dream and feel the beginning end,
The yank and lift from my small shell, to be tipped, upside down
And what feels uncertain hell.
Tears splash onto a busy floor,
So different, the feeling; on a heavy brow.
So warm now, close to the one.
The incubator; I call my mom.
The strangeness within this new world of mine
A dripping tap.
A sound and wanting to sleep
To plan the map of journey be...
Looking back on days gone by
The innocence of one, maybe I.
Looking from the backdoor step
At an age the stream do flow,
Looking forward so the glow,
The joyful thoughts are not so weary.
The long mapped journey is a beginning.
So insecure there is remembering.
To pass the knowledge on to one's own sibling
For the 'tuts' and their giggling...
The cycle begins on the merry-go-round
With the ups and then the downs.
On and on the story goes
The story continues…
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 08.12.90
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Two
Distant Journey
Artwork reworked by NGW