We see beauty on many levels each level pays its price
A rose with a perfect petal will be picked to be displayed
Only to die and wither away, her life short lived...

Like life, like you or me, like the rose we protect ourselves;
We place our armour; our body of thorns around us;
To give our predators time to reflect from our automated defence.

In our own habitat we are safe from harm and amongst so many
All beautiful with scented perfume, how is it we cannot choose to stay...
One rose, through isolation can be picked and is the highlight of today...

Tomorrow may be forgotten, or replaced by another; her bloom soon withers away...
Like life, like you or me there are thorns around us and we, are isolated ...
Our like, is not enough; our barriers; our thorns imprisons us;

What price do we have to pay...
To keep our soul, morality our security - the beauty of life to be observed
Is of course...the acceptance of thee.
                                                                                                           Author: Nigel Wilcox - 01.03.05
A Rose on Many Levels
© Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768

Chapter One
Artwork reworked by NGW