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Chapter Six
Author's Comments on this Poem: 
There are countless encounters one makes during the course of one’s life and sometimes we meet people that project an image of someone completely different to what you originally encounter. This was one of those times. A person haunted by her past and for a fleeting moment lets down her barriers for you to see her in her true image and glory. What you see can only be described as very special and heart-warming. Unfortunately, it is for a fleeting moment, you also know it is not meant to be, as the barriers are soon raised again. The sad part is, not many see her true personality and potential and even she did not appreciate what she had to offer through her inner pain and sorrow.

Like all life, it eventually reaches the end of the line and for the special ones, it comes too soon. I shed a tear for the loss. RIP 15.03.16 [am]

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Poem Title: A Ship That Past In The Night
   Date Written: 17.03.16                          Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 88
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