The Diary of Drone Flying Hobby                2022

Nigel G Wilcox
Published 2021
The Paragon of
Modern Aviation
03.01.22  Near enough 12 months already, where does the time go....?  

With the lockdowns it has not been the best time to take up another hobby, however I have just renewed my 'license' for another twelve months. I never got to the commercial test in Oxford, mainly down to Covid. I have done the advanced GVC examination and hold the certificate, not sure what validity this is without the practical, however going commercial has been placed on hold for now.....?

For those that are new to this site, I do have a few aircraft, check out the specs within the 2021 diary and introduction.
Watch this space for more entries as the year gets going...

12.04.22  This year is getting on to a slow start, weather has not been good with high winds, sleat, snow and heavy rains. Of course this prevents piloting drones safely as well as the working on other projects too. The summer is just around the corner hopefully.

Software has been updated regularly, followed by checking the CAA bulletins for legislative updates and regulations. These have changed  to suit the political climate,  usually to the disadvantage of the hobbyist one can personally add. Batteries are also regularly checked and we now await for the better weather...
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Nigel G Wilcox
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The Paragon of Modern Aviation
23.10.22 After all the hard work in qualifying, not much practice to date, mainly down to the 'jobsworths' living in my area, suggesting drones are dangerous, really! Perhaps with those not qualified, one would think they would get a life, however... Just got the yellow shirt and a new green ID card, (it is like putting stripes on a car and thinking the car will go faster), keeps me happy and interested, until I can get out more...
Both these items can be purchased via eBay, (no affiliations)
The Card can only be issued to those qualifying and this is checked on the main register, one needs to follow the instructions carefully from the seller.
I would very much like to get an Inspire V2 drone, a little on the pricy side, for me at the moment, but prices are slowly coming down. It is the same with the thermal cameras. One day....
unfortunately this one was never delivered
Sample - Replacement
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