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Aircraft And Military Development & Applications
Military Nation Spending Listing 2019
Countries Spending The Most on their Military Spending
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9. Germany

- Military expenditure (2017): $44.3 billion
- Military expenditure as a % of general government expenditure (2017): 2.7% (#112 among countries)
- Military expenditure per capita (2017): $536 (#20 among countries)
German's military spending has long been a source of contention between the country and its NATO allies, including the U.S., with cutbacks reducing its military readiness and contribution to the alliance's defense funds. In 2018, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced spending increases that would bring Germany more in line with other NATO countries. However, smaller-than-expected economic growth and domestic political conflict have had an impact on Germany's ability to make good on the pledge. This could potentially harm its relationship with the U.S. and other NATO countries.