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Courtesy Sources: Icepop, Isabelle Garreaud  06.07.17
40. Norway’s Women’s Jegertroppen
Image courtesy of nbcnews.com
The all-female Jegertroppen special forces unit forms part of the Armed Forces’ Special Command and the Norwegian Special Operation Forces, whose prime focus is special reconnaissance. The corps was actually the product of a one-year experimental program in 2014, but after three years it was made permanent because of its tremendous success. The Jegertroppen is the first special forces in the world to be all-female. In order to join this prestigious unit, women are tested based on physical aptitude and their mental attitude. The selection process is divided into a pre-selection course which lasts three weeks, and then “hell week,” which is the final selection course which tests one’s physical and mental skills. During the last week, candidates do not get much food, water, or sleep.