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Aircraft And Military Development & Applications
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Future Military Aircraft Video
BAE Systems
08/07/2014 05:00 | By Rob Clymo, editor, MSN Innovation
Self-healing Planes and the Future of Flight
Self-healing aircraft are among new concepts launched by BAE Systems and they could be flying quite soon?
BAE Systems
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Directed Energy Systems

The scientists and engineers at BAE Systems have also been looking into the feasibility of a futuristic attachment weapon for aircraft. This would be able to fire a concentrated beam of energy at the speed of light. Direct Energy Systems are seen as the ideal way of protecting troops on the ground from the likes of missiles and mortars.

Looking towards the future, the BAE Systems staff think that the concept could be adapted into an attachment for their new aircraft designs and would allow that capability to be used in the air. Military jets could then destroy their targets in mid-air with pinpoint accuracy.
A self-healing plane design could revolutionise flying in the future