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Aircraft And Military Development & Applications
Military Nation Spending Listing 2019
Countries Spending The Most on their Military Spending
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The most powerful militaries in the world, updated April 27, 2019:

3.Saudi Arabia

- Military expenditure (2017): $69.4 billion
- Military expenditure as a % of general government expenditure (2017): 30.4% (#2 among countries)
- Military expenditure per capita (2017): $2,107 (#4 among countries)
The shifts in power and Saudi Arabia's leadership structure that have taken place since 2015 have led to a realignment of the country's priorities, evidenced by the Kingdom's military involvement in several conflicts in the Middle East in attempts to assert dominance in the region against regional enemy Iran. Inside its borders, the military helps negotiate tensions between the Sunni and Shia Muslim sects and fight against extremist groups. The country's involvement in a devastating civil war in Yemen has received worldwide attention and condemnation, especially following the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

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