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24-Jetpack Flyboard-Air-2016
In 2016, a new design of personal flight vehicle took to the air that combined man's love for both jetpacks and hoverboards into one single device. The Flyboard Air was a powerful hoverboard capable of reaching heights of 50 metres and travel a distance of 2,252 metres. The simple design included a remote control for flight controls, a backpack full of homemade aviation jet fuel and four turbo engines to power flight, plus two more engines for stabilisation. This little hoverboard has 1,000hp and plenty of promise.

The Flyboard Air caused waves of interest on the internet and was so brilliant it was often dismissed as a hoax, yet the video of the flight has since clocked up over eight million views.
Courtesy: © Flyboard® by ZR/YouTube, Public domain, Pocket-lint 03.12.17