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Aircraft And Military Development & Applications
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Future Military Aircraft Video
BAE Systems
08/07/2014 05:00 | By Rob Clymo, editor, MSN Innovation
Self-healing Planes and the Future of Flight
Self-healing aircraft are among new concepts launched by BAE Systems and they could be flying quite soon?
The aim of this concept is to create the ultimate adaptable taskforce, headed up by a lead aircraft that would be able to enter any kind of unknown scenario and subsequently manufacture smaller aircraft that could be ready for anything.

Each of these aircraft, or UAVs, would be uniquely tailored to suit their surroundings and could include wide-winged designs for prolonged surveillance jobs through to rotary winged aircraft that could be called upon to carry out rescues. Once used, the aircraft could then be rendered useless thanks to dissolving circuit boards, although their value might also mean they’d be programmed to land in a friendly area ready to be recovered.

This bold idea focuses on smaller, unmanned aircraft, which are created by super high-tech on-board 3D printers. These sophisticated printers would use Additive Layer Manufacturing for production and robotic assembly techniques would be called upon for construction dutuies. The printers would follow plans fed to them via data supplied from a central control room, controlled by human intervention.
BAE Systems
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On-board 3D printing