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Aircraft And Military Development & Applications
Military Nation Spending Listing 2019
Countries Spending The Most on their Military Spending
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The most powerful militaries in the world, updated April 27, 2019:

1. United States

- Military expenditure (2017): $609.8 billion
- Military expenditure as a % of general government expenditure (2017): 8.8% (#34 among countries)
- Military expenditure per capita (2017): $1,872 (#7 among countries)
The U.S. spends far more on defense than any other country, with military spending accounting for around half of the federal budget. America is heavily involved in conflicts abroad and in the military support of its international allies, with some of its 1.3 million troops stationed in the Middle East and East Asia. This military spending has often been a subject of fierce political debate, with some U.S. lawmakers arguing that the country should cut back the Pentagon budget and limit involvement abroad, while others believe America should remain the world's 800-pound military gorilla.werful militaries in the world, as of Feb. 1, 2017:
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