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Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
Newspaper Articles
Politics within Education
The British People Demand Accountability and Action to Rectify this Problem Today!

Personal noteI have been fortunate to source my own education and qualified in a number of areas, however it has been a life-long struggle to get work once qualified., and NO! It is not a media studies qualification or a diversity diploma.  I feel the government does not value qualifications in this country (UK), unless is comes from the top three universities. The other UK universities seem to flap around looking for funding or staff are paid peanuts... (however, most are showing signs of 'Woke', or 'Cancel' fatigue, perhaps this is the reason)  Where is the investment into Training and Development? Will it lead to a good job?
Behaviour in classrooms seem to also be a problem and in 2022 no one in government has addressed it and we wonder why levels of education has dropped. It doesn't seem to matter who is put in charge of education, they are just not getting it!  NGW08.22
Standards in Education
University Costs 2023 Comparisons
The MPs – predominantly from Red Wall seats and comprising the 2017 and 2019 intakes – also recommended an overhaul of the repayment system for loans so that all graduates would be expected to start repaying their loan at a fixed amount of £45 per month following a three-year “grace period.”

They would pay this sum until they earned over £31,000 at which point repayments would be set at nine per cent of income. There would be exemptions for graduates working for the NHS and other sectors of “high social value,” those taking jobs with charities, those on maternity leave or registered as a carer.

The New Conservatives group of MPs, who also include Lee Anderson, a party vice chairman, estimated their changes would reduce the number of university students by 15 per cent.

A German-style apprenticeship system
They said the money saved should be diverted to fund a huge expansion of apprenticeships. “At present, the loan repayment system is rigged so that the lower the value of the degree to society and the economy, the more of the cost is borne by the taxpayer,” said the report.

“This is unjust and unsustainable, leading many young people to choose university when financially they would be better off pursuing vocational training or entering the workplace. It also burdens the taxpayer with an enormous unpaid loans bill, whilst failing to provide the skills that young people – or the labour market – need

They called for all the savings realised by their measures to be reinvested in a German-style apprenticeship system. In Germany, 54 per cent of young people complete an apprenticeship compared to 10 per cent in the UK.

They said polling suggested that the changes would be popular with parents. The report cited surveys that showed “48 per cent of parents would prefer their child to get a vocational qualification after leaving school compared with 37 per cent who would prefer it if their child went to university.”
Response of an academic
Some students success can be based around their learning style and the education system has been very slow to recognise this as a barrier to learning. A young pupil or student is not fully developed or has been failed to receive the correct encouragement from the system or parents in some cases. This leading to some with poor or failed grades.

My experience at school was frustration, as remembering the information for examinations failed me. Or the examination questions were written in a way my mind could not understand or perception.

I came away from my school as a drop-out, with a few CSEs (the 70s) and a couple of O' levels. Maggie Thatcher PM of the day decided to close down the apprentiships at that time of me leaving school, so there was no real directions other than going  to a college or university. University was out as I didn't have the grades, this just left me to go to a college. Many are undecide on what their future profession was going to be. One could try to repeat another two year O'level/CSE courses to try to improve one's grades and study for a professional qualification, however, many are sick and tired of schooling. Going from school to college for me wasn't really the best course of action as one's mindset was the same. Given the appentiships we have today could have offered further opportunities if they had been available, perhaps? The problem was to break the pattern or cycle of failure and there were added distractions such as the opposite sex to deal with. By this time, overactive hormones were also an added element.

To cut along story short, from a dropout later identified with dyscalculia,  I became a post graduate in Education, yes, it took me a long time, however I got there, even though my peers considered me to be the familiar dropout I was when I was at school. School days are important and tars a person with a negative or positive brush that can follow one  throughout life.

It only takes one person to change a person's direction in education, good or bad or in this case of 30 MPs to write individuals off by closing the doors of opportunity is a consideration of political interference, by means of controlling through finance or a further agenda... Some can argue this story is about addressing the poor quality of courses and my reply is what has polititions being doing for decades other than feathering their own nests? This can is reflected within our education system today; on the whole and how politicians see education in this country and to the value they place on home grown talent. Some students are considered as slow developers from personal and professional experience as within my case, if the door had closed on funding for me, I would hate to think where I would be now without having the choices. Qualification achievement allows one choice, without that opportunity most are pushed by the wayside...

For those, without an educational  'handicap', with money and qualifications that come easy or are in a position of knowing someone in a key position, ('not what you know, but who you know') to having ghost writers to write their thesis; for them they are possibly considered as part of an elite.
NGW 11.09.23