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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
Workshop/My Diary - Electrics
Driver Seat (O/S-UK) Floor Fuse Assembly Location
Contents Page
Example: of the corriosion in the panel under the drivers side seat can cause a voltage drop to the pin on the OBDII connector, this can prevent scanning.
Water corrosion in this floor well, ( sometimes with large amounts of water) can be caused by the seal or door vapor barrier being torn, damaged or detached. Can be down to the age of the seal or from previous poor door/seal repairs after door maintenance.
Note: this is common on E39s and the problem can also cause battery drain.
This fuse box is under the drivers seat O/S Right
1. Slip back the drivers seat, this may require unbolting from the floor anchor points
fig. Source - 2. Lift Carpet
fig. Source - 3. Lift out foam
fig. Source - 4. Exposing fuse box
fig. Source - 5. Taking lid off, exposes labelled fuses Ampage
fig. Source - Example of corroded and water logged well
Can be under Trim based on age and Model of vehicle
Note; Safety - Before commencing with Electrical Work, Disconnect Battery)
Seat Bolts holes
e.g. Water Corroded