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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
Workshop/Diary - Air Con or AC
fig. Boot - Rear Fuse Cluster
Contents Page
Air Conditioning
On average, an Air Conditioning system should be checked and topped up at least once every two years, again this job can cost megabucks from a dealership or it can be done afrom a back street garage specialising in this process for around £39 + Vat. (i.e Exhaust Outlets. Halfords Repairs etc.) Or it can be done as a DIY exercise. For some strange reason the refridgerant required to top-up the system is readily available in the USA via any autopart retail outlet. Here in the UK, there is a restricted supply and not fully available to purchase from a retail outlet. Not to worry, the product can be obtained from Amazon(R134a -£41.59 with Guage) or Ebay (R134a £20-£50 refills)
Symptoms: The heater may work well,mine does, however I did find my windows demisted slowly, it took 10 - 25 minutes for the windows to clear, so needed to be 'perked' up. Also if hot in summer with the airCon on full, is another tell-tale sign.

BMW 5 E39 M5 400hp DIY Air Con Gas Recharge Refill Regas Aircon Conditioning Kit
fig. Source: Refill without Guage
Another way of checking the AC is by hard wiring to a live feed from the battery or Pos. (Post under the bonnet to the wire leading to the AC), if clicks, the AC is ok!
fig. Source: Refill with Guage
fig. Low Pressure Port Magnified
AC Pressure Valves 2
AC Pressure
Valves 1
O/S Headlight
O/S Headlight
AC HIGH Pressure Valve
1. To check if the AC is working, have someone switch on ignition (Stand clear of the front of the vehicle).
2. On turn of the ignition switch, listen for a 'click' sound from the AC- no 'click' AC could be faulty.
fig. High Pressure Port Magnified