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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
fig. Boot - Rear Fuse Cluster
Dash Warning Lights E39
-What Do They Mean? (Refer to Page 21)
Contents Page
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Battery charge current. The battery shows red it means the battery is no longer being charged. You need to get this checked out at a local garage, it could mean the battery needs replacing, or it could be something else like an alternator.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Engine oil pressure. If this light shows up you need to immediately check the oil level and top up as required.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Brake hydraulic system - this probably means that the brake fluid needs to be topped up.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Brake hydraulic system warning light for Canadian models. See above.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Parking brake light comes on when you engage the parking brake or handbrake.
bmw e38 dash warning light See above.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Fasten your seatbelt.
bmw e38 airbag dash warning light E39 5 Series Airbag SRS warning light. If this light shows it means there is a problem within the airbag system. You can reset the airbag light on the BMW E39 5 series by selecting a kit from the BMW airbag light reset tool.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Dynamic brake control - fault in the DBC system. Conventional braking efficiency is available without limitations.
bmw e38 dash warning light See above
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Indicated a fault within the ABS system (anti lock brake) and is most likely to be an ABS sensor which needs replacing. Visit Dominator Auto Diagnostics for E38 ABS sensors. You may also need a code reader to find out which sensor is at fault - for this job we would reccomend the C110 code reader or the Autel MD702. Here you can watch a video of the C110 diagnose a BMW ABS Light problem. The guide shows the scanner working on the E46, but works in the same way on all other models.
bmw e38 dash warning light See above
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Automatic Stability Control, on or off. Also known as traction control.
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Engine emissions. You need to plug a code reader into the diagnostic port to read a fault code. Choose a code reader from the BMW code reader section
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Indicator warning light, left or right
bmw e38 dash warning light E39 5 Series Cruise control light.
Workshop/Diary - Dash Cluster