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Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
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fig. Manual Drill New, but inferior
29th  Aug 2015 /

                          Double Pinion Hand Drill
Amazon - £7.39 inc p&p [Grove Park DIY]
Not the best hand drill I have ever bought, however a cheap basic manual drill and has a lifetime guarantee based on terms and conditions, registration is required via online, so in theory shouldn't have to buy another one. (I did say in theory).
This particular drill was a disappointment and was un-useable, during the first job, The main stop handle  twisted around during drilling and the upper pinion teeth broke off jamming the action, so not good in any way.

One should learn one's lesson. My tip is to go for quality as they are cheap enough. Don't fall for the 'New' as most of the cheap manual drills seem to be manufactured in third world  sweat shops. If more care was taken in the manufacturing process with the components rather than focusing on quantity there could be makings of a reasonable hand drill.Well, not in my particular case...

All in all, I managed to get a refund from Amazon/Silverline and this time I did shop around.

Update: 28.09.15 -  I have now managed to do a adhoc  repair with lots of glue, the missing teeth on the upper pinion now runs freely, but does cause an occasional stoppage problem, however, if needs must, ok as a backup and it does have the 1/2" chuck, not interchangeable with the Stanley.

I did find this manual drill, a Stanley from the 60's and British made with 'England' forged on the fly wheel, a nice addition to the kit.

This one runs smoothly and it was at a good price considering they can fetch between £15-20+ in prime condition.
Actual purchase from eBay £6.00 incP&P [dcb1902]
This can be a handy tool for small jobs and saves getting out the beast of all drill machines to do a basic screw hole, it it is ideal for those small delicate jobs

Note: Early British tools and the modern counterparts are sought after all over the world and are made with quality in mind, that was when the focus was on pricision manufacturing and not so much on profit, attitudes left over from the Victorian days. If they are British and at reasonable price, they are worth paying that little bit more for if you can find them.
New - Silverline 675032 Double Pinion Hand Drill 290mm
Hard wood handles
6mm, 3-jaw, hand tightened chuck
Delivered with main handle assembly
09th Sept 2015